Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Free Christmas Challenge

I usually start shopping for Christmas gifts during the summer.  I HATE the craziness in the stores this time of the year.  I know some people love it but to me Christmas should be peaceful, not turn me into a crazed woman with a shopping cart running over little old ladies (alright, I really wouldn't do that but still, it gets insane out there!)  Also, I know that if you keep your eyes open you can find better deals on most products than you can on 'Black Friday'.   Unfortunately, my life seems to be infinitely busier and I've only purchased a couple of items so far.  Christmas is only 7 weeks away (yikes!) and I realized I had better get going on finding those perfect items.  This year I am going to challenge myself to not spend a ton of money but still find those perfect gifts for my loved ones.  I know this is probably something that we think of every year but I'm talking about really challenging myself and buying or making gifts for as close to free as I can.  The reason for my madness is that I was at my local K-Mart this week when I saw a display for various Crayola items that were all priced around $20.00.  On the display were forms to get up to a $23.00 rebate making most if not all (I was in a hurry so I didn't look at everything) of the items free.  The crayon maker I have pictured here was one of the items included in the display.

I know there are going to be some amazing deals if we can just keep our eyes open for them.  I also have some great ideas on some homemade gifts I plan on making for family members and will keep everyone posted on my progress with them.  Let's hope for a super fun holiday season that doesn't break the bank.  If you run across any spectacular deals will you please leave a comment and share your find with others?  Thanks and good luck!


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