Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Getting Organized!

I generally think of myself as an organized person but of course I'm far from perfect.  I especially realize that after really looking at what's hidden behind closed doors. I was so excited to see A bowl full of lemons hosting this wonderful organizational challenge. What a great way to get back on track after a hectic holiday season! I hope to be able to do all 21 challenges but being a busy, working mom I might be a few days behind, although one could argue being behind is better than not doing it at all. It's not too late to join in yourself.  Wish me luck!

Day #1:  Junk Drawer.  Mine went from this:

to this:

Day #2:  Computer desk, the top only.  Luckily I have a very small workspace so it doesn't get too cluttered.  Here is my before:

and after:

Bring on the "Tupperware" cupboard and the linen closet!

P.S.  After I finished this post and finally got linked up I was looking at a bunch of the other links and noticed that most people didn't have their monitors on for their pretty picture.  It got me curious as to what everyone was "really" doing at the time the picture was taken.  You bloggers know what I'm talking about!  lol.  So, here's my confession I was watching The Bachelor online.  Yep, paused it right in the middle of the show so I could hurry and snap my pictures.  Want to share what you were doing?

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