Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Eggstra Special Pillow and my Wish-I-Had-Enough-Time-To-Do-All-This List

I've seen this idea out there in blog-land a few times so when I ran across this cute, egg-shaped placemat I didn't think of my table, I thought of a pillow!  It was only $3.50 at Kohl's and I already had batting at home.  I just unpicked the bottom seam (this had a fabric backing to it, very important as this project won't work on one layer placemats), shoved it full of the batting and did a quick running stitch to close it back up!  I'd say the whole thing only took about 10 minutes.

This little project and post leads me into my next subject because this was on my list of things to do.  As a single mom who works full-time I have a lot to do.  Maybe that's a silly thing to say because I don't know many people who don't have enough to do.  The reason I mention it is because I have always loved crafting and making things.  That said, sometimes I can't believe I make things even more hectic by adding so much more to my ever-changing list of things that need to get done.  I think it's healthy to have hobbies.  Unfortunately I don't know that I do anything as a hobby.  It seems as though it's more of an obsession and once I get and idea in my head I can't get rid of it until it's done (dang it that I have responsibilities and need to sleep so it takes me forever to get things done at times).  I've decided to post my list here on my little blog.  I'm on here enough that it might be easier to manage rather than on the little scraps of paper I have shoved in my notebook of ideas.  I don't want to have to search for this particular post each time so I'm going to add it to my sidebar.  It is in no particular order, just as they happened to be arranged as I typed them. 

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