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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Super Deals!

Hey everyone!  I wanted to share the word about some great deals available right now.  If you happened to receive any of the SLC newspapers with the $10.00 off a $10.00 purchase you really need to make sure you use them and score some free stuff!  I ended up finding some incredible deals and didn't stick to just a $10.00 purchase.  However, by using those coupons and shopping sales/clearance I was able to save over $130.00 on my $50.00 purchase.

Also, Smith's is having a rare sale on cheese right now.  You can purchase the Kroger brand for $1.50 per item or you can head over here to print 2 of these coupons and purchase Kraft cheese for $1.00 a bag (don't forget you can only print two internet coupons per computer).  I was able to get all of this for $28.42. 

In case you can't tell what I purchased: 
2 bags Cheetos
1 package tortillas
1 carton eggs
2 lbs. apples
1 Danimals yogurt
1 Activia yogurt
5 packages Kraft Singles
5 packages shredded Kraft cheddar cheese
3 jars of peanut butter
3 cans Beef Vegetable soup
2 loaves of bread
and bananas

I love that cheese will freeze well and can be used in so many recipies later on.  Might as well stock up when it's super cheap!

Also, I'm in the prep stages for our annual Halloween party.  I should have some fun crafty things to post soon!


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